"Inside Grey Gardens"
HBO promo trailer
Grey Gardens, the movie, 2009
Grey Gardens, the movie, 2009
By Michael Sucsy, Writers, Michael Sucsy, Patricia Rozema. Starring Drew Barrymore & Jeanne Tripplehorn. Other related names are: Daniel Baldwin, Jessica Lange, Patricia Rozema, Rachel Portman, Marcia Bennett, David Coatsworth, Mike Eley, Kevin Etherington, Malcolm Gets, Neil Girvan, Arye Gross, Alan Heim, Ken Howard, Kalina Ivanov, Justin Louis, Duane Murray, Joshua Peace, Evan Williams, Ben Carlson, Tamsen McDonough, Michael Sucsy, Perry Mucci, Olivia Waldriff, Neil Babcock, Louis Grise.
Grey Gardens the documentary, 1975, Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorrainee. By Albert and David Maysles, with Susan Froemke, Ellen Hovde, and Muffie Meyer. The official Grey Gardens page